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Wednesday, November 12, 2014


11/12/14 - As you can see via the sidebar - Bitcoin and indeed nearly all Digital Currencies are having a very good day... Bitcoin has rebounded from the low 300's within the past week to well over 420 today. Indeed, one of the fun things about Dental Floss Tycooning is that your currencies may be worth more or less than the BTC value and STILL BE WORTH more USD..... the BTC replacing the USD in essence.

All that said, this Analyst a stock trading pro with all kinds of graphics about trends... says the trendline UNLESS it stays above 420 (HMM) isn't good... looks like we covered that short term rally he says was possible in his analysis about THIS week. That said, I'd say the digital currency market is NOT exactly like the stock market and that the `currencies' have a MUCH shorter `memory' of pattern... let's say. Indeed, I'm finding slowly what works.... seemingly... and just on general marketing terms a few things can be said...... have a coin with a good positioning AND a built in potential `retailish' marketplace of those interested in the NAME or concept.

For example, REDDCoin has the built in audience of REDDIT users.... destin to go up in size and enthusiastic and Bitcoin strong too. Over the long haul.... you will probably do very well with this still CHEAP coin... and one of the FEW that will probably survive that have chosen the MASS `available' market positioning (those currencies with BILLIONS available). (Compare to BTC's 13 million.) The `pot' coins if carefully chosen represent the same idea of a built in retail market and targeted brand users of product.... Compare those names with NOBLECoin.... are you Noble? Are a category of folks identified with being NOBLE... well perhaps... you get my drift... that is how you need to look at this.... IMO.
@ this moment the Dental Floss Tycoon Account
began with 0.152 (after transfer, including bluetrade set up)
now at 0.123
not all are keeping up with the over 20% daily increase in Bitcoin today.
More Soon

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