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Friday, November 7, 2014

Bitcoin Stuff

Today's post will mainly be links that I've run across or used on this excursion into Bitcoin and related currencies. But, the first update is that 0.157 Bitcoin Value in the Dental Floss Tycoon account is 0.139 value as the hoped for BOOM in the `pot coin' names after the legalization voting on November 4th didn't occur. That said, they did come back some yesterday and I haven't dumped the position much at all yet. And indeed, the PotCoin is actually UP fairly significantly. Must be the strange names like Ganja that spooked the crowd. I did sell at a profit most of my position in ExclusiveCoin (something I will definitely follow closely). I'll review more of that and more in detail in an upcoming post.

The first indications are that the shift to Bitcoin coverage is going well - with more direct usage of those posts than usual (being shared?). Obviously I am offering the old Barfstew format and the new BS Gallery format so that does cover some bases too. Sadly, so far, only 5 of you have been smart enough to sign up for the FREE Bitcoins - Daily..... I know that it is strange for a business plan to begin with giving away money.
Here's some of those links of interest.
Brave New Coin is great for a quick look at the top Digital Currencies Market Caps And Prices, AND - they cover nearly daily the stories happening about Bitcoin - such as:
The World's First `Carbon-Offset' Currency indeed, as I've already noted with the literal EXPLOSION of BRAND named coins - from the pot category to colors to .... yes The UFO Coin for the advancement of understanding UFOlogy..... yes, the marketplace is ENDLESS for this type of segmentation to drain the natural government monies. Other recent stories include how the UK is reaching out to the Bitcoin community as it sets up it's regulations on digital currencies. UK ReachoutYou can find many more important stories at Brave New Coin so be sure to bookmark that one.
More links:
Bittrex - is where I am having fun being a Dental Floss Tycoon - easy to use website is nearly self intuitive even for a novice trader. (like myself). One of the busier exchanges.

CoinMarket Cap  is another excellent website currently following over 540 currency values including the less known ones like KarmaCoin.

CryptoCoin Charts - amazing database - brokerage.
More to update but let's get this up first.

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