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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Moving Into The `Nation' Coins

I've had the below written for about a week and it's become apparent that despite being really involved in this Bitcoin thing - that the amount of change and degree of understanding makes it tough to get the posts OUT to readers.... so, I'll cut my losses on this post and say that I've gotten WAY IN to the `nation coins - you can find many in the sidebar now. Dig into the stew for more.

So, now that I've showed my emotional support timing-wise for the `pot' coins - and I still believe in a few of them (if not most of them on some level) - I will wait for the momentum on them to build again in the future based on political developments or the election cycle (this time around they took off a few weeks before  (smart money bought about Oct 1-5th) and then sold off). Of all the coins, the pot coins do indeed have a market that needs a form of alternative currency - at least for now. On that reason alone, I've hung onto some level of all the coins on the ultimate idea that IF virtual currencies are to find a marketplace - this may be one.

Now, based on all that - I've moved at least some of my BTC value into my newest obsession about virtual currencies - and that is - that some nations populous may indeed use such `money' at a sudden and rapid increase.... and find that it WORKS better to have such a currency.... are you with me? So, based on that - I've diversified into `currencies' such as Navajo coin which I traded for four times - all buys in the 0.00000320-0.00000400 range. (Raising the stake in the Dental Floss Tycoon account in Navajo to 0.01 - one of the larger stakes at this point.) We'll be tracking all of this of course.
Navajo Coin is named after the great Navajo code talkers in recognition of their efforts and contributions to encryption as well as the sacrifices made by the Navajo heroes in World War II with the unbreakable Navajo code that was used to encrypt highly classified military information and decrypt the same. Their encryption was undecipherable by their enemies due to the "alien" status of their language in the rest of the world as well as the system they used. Their encryption was a major reason for their victory. Today our enemy is the prying eyes and ears of "Big Brother" as well as those of overly curios brothers and sisters. Our mission is to have the Navajo Double Encryption anonymous system lead us to victory and give us our right of privacy! Navajo Anon is just the beginning!
And, even coins with bigger objectives/country sizes - such as Canadaecoin which I've traded for on Bluetrade where I recently obtained (oct 13-15) 20,000 for 0.00000013 to 0.00000015,.... it's even bounced to 20 in the last day or so. (Update - I sold all of it for MUCH higher) Again - coins with a built in niche, that have a public presence or possible pride built within the branding name. Like a Nation.
We are inspired by many open-source related projects, their communities and the charitable acts they seem to inspire. We began a project with a uniquely Canadian spin and are now daily building a new community around this project and the support channels for it to thrive.
Additionally we have refined our branding, introduced bounties and are building applications to push CDN’s viability as a community-plumbing and transactional platform.
Canada eCoin’s technical parameters are tuned to ensure it is responsive for retail applications. Test how fast that faucet works!
Canada ECoin
Now, I've already blogged how ScotCoin and KarmaCoin were my reasons for migrating to Bluetrade (as Coins-E had extremely limited markets in them) - and as you can easily see at the above link - there's big news about ScotCoin to existing Coin holders (like me who are suddenly having to do things to keep Coins alive) - anyway, the Scots may get a new vote on Independence, have oil, could be very tempted to do the virtual currency route... etc. etc. --- seems they are ramping up. Will only have EVER - one billion Coins. (I OWN 23K - holy cow.) I'd expect that I will be not trading per se the nation coins as much as accumulating them vs the Bitcoin. I got 20K of those coins at Bluetrade on November 13th
Along the same idea - I traded for 

Designed predominantly for the Irish tourist sector, IrishCoin launched Saturday May 17th. Irish tourism is worth over $3Bn per year to the Irish economy and IrishCoin intends to utilize the promotional aspects of tourism, providing the coin as a discount token vehicle, a tourist organizational branding opportunity, and for the promotion of the Irish tourism industry among the Irish diaspora in the US, Ireland, and globally. 
IrishCoin - got 20K of those too at Bluetrade... at 0.00000020 - 

I've leave this post with the above as I already have had another one in the till partially finished for 5 days or so. I DID have a BIG win on GameaholicCoin -- yes, sick I know. I could sense a big buy up at Bittrex when they were scheduled to be dropped out of the exchange... figured someone would step up and buy the volume available for sale - was right big time... yes, .... I'm now up in the alternative accounts (in BTC value of alternatives compared to Bitcoin)... well see. more numbers soon - please check out the opportunities on the page to begin your own Bitcoin journey.

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