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Friday, December 26, 2014

Do Morons Rule Coin Marketplace?

I've been calling this the `wild west days' in bitcoin/alternative coin trading... and have good reasons... which all already know in the bitcoin trading realm.... but bear repeating. And Repeatings..... For example, as already pointed out in this blog ... the ESportsCoin... a coin I had profited from but THEN looked abit deeper into the `information available' about the coin... only to find that IT SEEMINGLY WAS DEAD ... NO WEBSITE... NO DEVELOPER... TRASHED IN THE FORUMS AS A SCAM.... ETC. And, then came the Bittrex trading frenzy about a week ago when it became one of the HOTTEST coins of all (how could it not be called out at THAT point)? Does NO ONE do their homework on the info? Is the INFO that meaningless as far as `trading' a coins virtual value? Do Morons Rule?

It sure seems that way as over 30 BTC was traded on Dec. 21st -- at Bittrex... with soaring prices. This is the chart of the past two Weeks. .... Soon, I will cover another coin presumed dead to only see HUGE spikes in investment in the exchange community.... hmm.... go west young man go west. Or is that too big of a hint.
Other new lessons have also been learned at Bittrex... you can't always `play' the `going to be delisted' threat anymore... be careful as some of your coins will be .... well..... virtual at best. Seems everycoin I've had that got delisted doesn't respond to those holding the coin either... oh well.... it's the wild west days.
Bitcoin Links To Maul Over
this is my website with more about the coin trades I am making - with a marketplace to showcase items in trade for bitcoin
Much More Coming In 2015
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