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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Won On SolarCoin - New Website For Bitcoin Trading Started

Hello Barfstars.... sorry for the MIA status...but, I started a new BITCOIN website in the last 10 days or so that is focusing on what the previous post was here at Bitcoin - The Barf The Stew The WINNERS.... and it's on that note that I'd like to conclude the previous post and the positioning of the SolarCoin... if you remember - I had bought the coin on 11/29 at 1550 units.... drumroll and I sold it as you see below on 12/4

12/04/2014 20:44:18 12/04/2014 20:44:17 Sell 0.00001794 128.00000000
See My New Website Where all it is is Bitcoin trading... in beta and just starting.... first real trade... up a similar amount to what you see above.
Don't worry, there's plenty to explore in the changing world of money and coins.... new post very soon.

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