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Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Cryptsy Bitcoin Plunge - 92.00 USD

In a week in which Coinbase went public in BTC trading... Who would liquidate 47 BTCs in such a manner and why? Was it to show the thinness of the market - certainly a petty billionaire could manipulate at this level and MUCH much more, right? (as is evident by most of the big caps moving in sync most of the time?)

 USD Market List   -   10 Active Markets
Search Markets: 
Market Currency 24hr Vol Price 24hr High 24hr Low
BTC/USD BitCoin 99.2 BTC 223.29731204 264.20938948 USD 92.00000000 USD

Was it some rich tycoon  who got in at 330 last week thinking the surge would be the next spike... and then just as easily got out to say WTF to Bitcoin? Is such volatility going to be normal in a world market of collapsing commodity prices? Seen as a possible refuge to those in countries with falling currency values?

Certainly the relative strength of the USD and the China currency (being undervalued) lends strength to Bitcoin prices IMO. Hard to buy into that marketplace perhaps in other places of the world... and could that be part of the weakness at this time of expansion... on bitcoin protocol all over the world?
Oh, .... my blogging efforts here with simply an element of real follow through on my personal beliefs about the system in general and how change might occur in a world dominated by TPTB.... so, ... as readers of this blog know... IMO... the idea of the company called BitWage -

Your Wage, Bit by Bit
Next-Day Fiat to Bitcoin 
Faster and amazingly low-cost paychecks and payments between US and Philippines. No bank account required.

 where a worker can get their salary/earnings in Bitcoin - is a potential major game changer IMO (and I expect just the first of companies to move into the niche) in making the arrangements for individual people to use such a service.

So, I reached out suggesting to BitWage to extend their focus beyond BTC. And got a response. And potential `news'.

So, what will I report at this time? 

I will report that there is interest in/at BW to do more than just Bitcoin for payroll conversion...... and that brings up what I've been saying about the supposed `Nation' (brand positioning) coins and other even more potentially real `sovereign' coins.... (hint, hint) - get my drifting smoke-signal?
Is a revolution at hand?
Additionally, I've been contacted about doing a write-up for an upcoming `Crypto-Magazine' of some sort in the fairly near future.... we'll see.... someone evidently is reading my positioning statements.
I guess you are. Thanks.
Bitcoin Winners

with their own `trusted node' technology for possible transactions between institutions such as BANKS - go where the money is boys and play in their backyard (might this one still have significant room on the upside?)

Bitcoin Spew

concerns do not change the authors’ view that bitcoin “is a radically new, decentralized system for managing the way societies exchange value. It is, quite simply, one of the most powerful innovations in finance in 500 years.”
The authors give insight into what might be motivating some of the bitcoin naysayers: the bitcoin model could slash trillions in financial fees, eliminate work done by payment processors, and cut into legal and accounting fees. In other words, by disrupting the global economy’s status quo, many parties stand to lose.
Bitcoin’s advantages are particularly visible in emerging markets where under the current financial system migrant workers can pay 10 percent or more in transaction fees for international payment services, the essay notes.

The article quotes from a new Bitcoin book but has some classics in this article as you can see above.
(Some Bitcoin Books In Left Sidebar)

Bitcoin Barf

If you love to bark(f) about your favorite coin... in an endless trollbox...for btc reward for doing so..... then we have the place for you Friends For Cash does it sound like a match for you?

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