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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Art Project Robot Uses Bitcoin - Gets Arrested

Bitcoin Winner

Yes, Rand Paul made sure to attend a Bitcoin event and has been accepting BTC in his campaign... yeah a bit of an endorsement.

Bitcoin - Barf... Stew

Don't know how much `art' is involved here as it certainly continues the march to discredit Bitcoin and it's potential uses. Could even be a `plant' robot?..... Just at work showing how anything can be gotten on the internet.. with money or bitcoin and by a human or by a robot. Here's the Full Story With The Place The Bitcoin Drugs Were Purchased - a CNBC link?..... HMMM.
More Bitcoin .... Stew
The 18 million dollars that backed `Ethereum' is getting a bit Antsy to see that their investment ... was an investment and not `vaporware'. Many coins are using a slow and go approach to the changing landscape... some are hiring serious folks with big credentials in the `normal' business world - Like Ripple Labs (RippleCoin) hiring a former Yahoo executive... `serious' coins instead of shit coins... but if there isn't a difference????
Bitcoin BARF

As you know,,,, bitcoin is rife with ripoffs in these days of the wild west... so much so with scams like doubling your bitcoin ... that the number of websites now potentially suspected of foul play number in the 100's and will soon reach 1000 (at 600 with more daily).... so, I've added this important link into the sidebar in CAPS... be very careful with all your bitcoin.... it could just vanish... BAD BITCOIN INDEX LIST.
Bitcoin STEW

Oh, the 7th month of the on-going national Bitcoin perception survey continues to find a fairly dire situation with about the only uptick being in `useful in the future'.... usage ... ever bitcoin usage seems stuck in the 5-7% range... not even increasing as it should over time. See the link in the sidebar for more info.
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