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Monday, May 25, 2015

The `Scarcity' Segmentation Of Virtual Currencies --- Examined (PART TWO) Coins From 58 Million To 3.7 Million Available

This is part two of the `Coin Scarcity' Postings

Segment 4 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #150-200

In this category, Bellscoin, with 57 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... ring a bell, right?... And, the top 200 trails down to the measly 21 MILLION available for SonicScrewDriver. BTW, these two coins have market caps below 15K and daily volumes under 10 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being Bitcoin on steroids.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES THE 3rd BEST overall with (6) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 6 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 6 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

START 0.03
CURE 0.009
VERI 0.026
FAIR 0.021
And these two coins were Top 10 Market Cap
LITE 1.46
PEER 0.22

So, as you can see, this is the FIRST category that coins can breakout of being worth just fractions of a cent - and have the potential for much more. A very interesting development and easy to see why this level can be targeted.

14,000 SATOSHIS (0.000XXXXXbtc)

So, big things can come in BIGGER than Bitcoin packages (Hyper Bitcoin) - but, as of now, a self limiting value under 2 bucks each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthrough happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this segment.
Segment 5 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #201-250

In this category, Digitcoin, with 21 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... digit like digital, right?... And, the top 200 trails down to the measly 12.2 MILLION available for BitcoinScryptcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps below 22K and daily volumes under 10 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being Bitcoins relative.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES well overall with (5) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND the BIGGEST OF ALL COINS - BITCOIN - in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 5 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 5 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

1XCOIN 0.013
MONA 0.078
ARCH 0.077
And the coin of coins - BITCOIN 238.95

So, as you can see, this category has coins worth fractions of a dime - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires coins to be the real money they represent (have uses other than trading).

So, big things can come in BIGGER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin Brother) - but, as of now, a self limiting value under a dime each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthrough happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this segment.
Segment 6 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #251-300

In this category, CopperLarkcoin, with 12.1 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... copperlark=luckypenny, right?... And, the top 300 trails down to the measly 6.1 MILLION available for Chococoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps below 15K and daily volumes under 10 bucks and 115 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being Bitcoins relative.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES well overall with (5) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap but has none in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 5 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 5 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

NAME 0.31
MARINE 0.045
AURORA 0.064

So, as you can see, this category is the one that finally has coins worth dimes and more - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires these coins to be the real money they represent (have uses other than trading) and have serious sized followings and community support.

So, big things can come in SMALLER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin Sister) - but, as of now, a self limiting value under a half dollar each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthrough happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this segment.
Segment 7 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #301-350
THE BITCOIN MIDGET (6.1MILLION - 3.7 MILLION) SEGMENT - scarcity kicking in

In this category, Neocoin, with 6.1 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... NEO.. Neocon, right?... And, the top 350 trails down to the measly 3.7 MILLION available for Blitzcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps of 2K and  54K and daily volumes under 60 bucks and 1.3K. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being Bitcoins relative.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES poorly overall with (3) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap but has TWO of those in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 3 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 3 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

#4DASH 2.83

So, as you can see, this category is the one that finally has coins worth dimes and more (BUT IT NEEDS TO AS IT'S SCARCITY IS INCREASING) - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires these coins to be the real money they represent (have uses other than trading) with very active developers and communities. CAN ONE OF THESE COINS BREAKOUT?

So, big things can come in SMALLER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin MIDGET) - but to be bigger than bitcoin with fewer coins.. will be a challenge... but not a challenge perhaps to acquire the needed value to be perceived as real money. Could one of these coins easily become the next 20 dollar bill?
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this scarcity segment.
Part Three Is Immediately Below In This Blog
Part Three
buy your first American Bitcoin at Coinbase

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