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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Crypto Explodes - ETHEREUM Marketcap ($ 1,104,791,536 near peak) Flirts With One Billion

A Lot Has Happened In Crypto Since The Last Post - Dig In

ETHEREUM... the coin we have been following since near it's real beginnings has EXPLODED the perceptions of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain. In just the past 10 weeks.. ETH has increased in value 10X and more... and more is just around the corner for the `new bitcoin'. See and read the many links about ETHEREUM below and how REAL business is the new crypto catalyst.
The Watershed Moment Has Arrived

Microsoft Azure Adds New Certified Blockchains
More Of The Same
Adds for Augur, BitShares, Lisk, SYScoin,, 
( - building the Ethereum Computer)

Just One Method That BitShares Is Applying To The Technology

Update #7 NEW ADDS - Expanse, Radium, Monero - Influx, Tendermint, Algorythmix

the biggest news of all
(from the link)
BlockApps, a startup providing Ethereum blockchain software for enterprises, has become the first certified offering on Microsoft Azure's Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) marketplace.
With its latest post, Microsoft also announced that asset exchange provider AlphaPoint and Internet-of-Things micropayments startup IOTA have joined its Azure BaaS platform.
Launched in October, Microsoft has been steadily adding providers to its blockchain testing environment for enterprises, though BlockApps' Strato platform is the first to gain certification.
Calling the news "a watershed moment", Marley Gray, director of blockchain strategy at Microsoft, said:
"The simple, rapid and flexible one-click deploy of Ethereum blockchain architecture launched on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace enables enterprises and developers to quickly deploy a certified blockchain environment on Azure."
Gray added that he believes the offering will expedite enterprise blockchain development, as it enables enterprises to develop proofs-of-concept (PoCs) and scale to full production systems.

the website

for the very latest ETH news

for the short and real history

the Github must read

for the instant communications

The Augur Beta Program Is Up
this prediction market will be a winner IMO .... more about Prediction Markets as two OTHER website owners of Prediction Markets interview each other. (This is a YouTube link.) - I also personally play in Spark Profit and Preditit.Org a stockmarket/commodities/btc marketplace and a political prediction market respectively. 

Early Warnings To Buy ETHEREUM
months ago... much like this website

Vitalik Buterin Charts ETHEREUM's Future In Coinbase Meeting
how long before ETH is available via Coinbase? how much more awareness and marketcap?

ETHEREUM Founder Gets Role At Toronto Stock Exchange
the big money does not want to be left out
Meanwhile... At Bitcoin

real business deals by Factom - Factom's Very Active Twitter Account and yet More About Factom

Another First - Real Estate Sold Via BTC
happening in Denmark... good details... short article

More About The Upcoming Hard Fork For Bitcoin - And The 5,000 Dollar Bet
that it all works out fine... hmm.

then... less than a week later... this

OR... Is THIS The Hard Fork Solution - Segregated Witness
sounds like a spy novel.... relocating some outside the chain

with examples of other `hard forks' that science has delivered

And, while they have removed links to the stories.... for one day... during the ETH surge... they were no longer accepting BTC at the Microsoft store.

Meanwhile  As Microsoft ..... Gets Into The Blockchain Business
Speaking Of Real Business

Stellar Coin To Bring Banking To Nigeria Population
it's REAL Business that will be the key to coins and the blockchain - here's another `Underbanked' Story and how the blockchain will be vital for transformation

ETHEREUM Used by Ridesharing Start Up
real business via ETH and `Arcade City'

And Airbnb Is Considering Using The Blockchain Too
quick read... part of the theme you are reading
(Smart Links)
Other Coins Of Utility To Smart Contracts/Blockchain

Other Crypto Winners You May Have Missed

How BitWage Works
could this be the movement that finally cripples the Fiat dominance? - the evolution of Payroll is right. More About Bitwage. Crypto is moving into employment big time - Gigs For Crypto - BitHire...

UK Treasury Says Crypto Has LOW Laundering Usage
could limit negative perceptions a bit

Ultimately... Why Criminals Can't Hide Behind Crypto/Bitcoin
not all proven as of yet IMO... but interesting

The way to some Crypto via Fiat
The Bitcoin/Crypto BARF
One Coin - Much Scam
shit coins and shit developers continue to pepper the industry
The Bitcoin/Crypto STEW

The Day The MS Store Didn't Take Bitcoin
in some circles called a trial balloon IMO

The Big Visions Of The NEM (New Economy Movement) Coin
new Proof Of Importance concept out to beat BTC

Are Digital Versions Of Fiat Coming?
Australian Central Bank Studies Idea

Billed As A Java Version Of ETHEREUM - LISK
2nd largest ICO ever... and yes... I bought in too.
==================================== just read the 40 hottest links in Crypto
Why Not Share Them?

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