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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Monero Becomes The Big Cheese

Hey Crypto fans - got some links for you today to enjoy. As noted by our headline, on Sept 1st Monero became a new currency accepted on the so-called dark web - and consequently has seen real volume and action...even becoming at times the most valuable Crypto except for BTC. Who'da thought privacy would still matter?
Revolution Or Barfstew?
no, not coins, an excellent 'physical' wallet, read all about it

certainly worth the read

here's a quote
"Contrary to conventional wisdom, our research shows that fiat currencies crowd out Bitcoin, not the reverse and that the design and size of the Bitcoin market deprive the currency of its intended use as a medium of exchange. What is also evident is that Bitcoin poses minimal risk to financial or monetary stability. Despite this, if the acceptance of Bitcoin or other virtual currencies increases significantly on a global scale, it could have significant consequences on the relevance of monetary policy, as its decentralized and independent nature makes regulatory oversight difficult.”
no shit sherlock

podcast worth your ear perhaps
You Could Get Lost In The Archive For Hours
Go Ahead

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