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Friday, November 25, 2016

The Four Phase Coinbase Secret Master Plan

A 'secret' for all to see...good read on the future of Crypto and what Coinbase intends to do about it. Looks like we are in Phase Two and about ready for the REAL big breakout. Will you be a part of the blockchain early? (Good background read too.)
Crypto Links
The real promise of the blockchain is to the TWO BILLION UNBANKED PEOPLE - which could even make their freetime valuable. A new way of thinking about labor?
I'll bet you have never heard of Liberland...the micronation? Right? (on the Danube) - Well, their national currency is Bitcoin Ya'll. Find out where other countries are moving. That said, the President of Liberland suggested that the Crypto coin DASH may be of interest too. Also... Is China about to launch their own Crypto?
Last week we cued you into the seeming Fiat problems in India and Venezuela -- resulting perhaps in BTC's price rise to the rest of the world... (including the Yuan's devaluation)...but...could another country... Italy be about to face a banking crisis?
And, finally - ya gotta love the stories by folks that should know - who say that there is still a chance that Bitcoin... Could Rise To One Million Dollars Each - why not buy some at Coinbase today... and the first time you buy 100.00 worth - they give you 10 bucks of FREE Bitcoin.... 
Dig Into The Sidebar For Much More

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