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Sunday, November 13, 2016

What Does Zcash Mean For Ethereum?

First up is a highly speculative article about how the Zcash coin could enhance Ethereum.... Will it be a competitor or ally? The whole Zcash phenomena is still ongoing as this post is uploaded.
Crypto Links
Seems that UBER has teamed up with a debit card company to serve underbanked Latin America. Can accepting BTC be far behind?

Leave it to Redditors - seems someone offered up .01btc for EVERY comment if Trump won on one thread - and suddenly - with Hillary Clinton REJECTING BTC - Trump and btc have a strange connection (he also is buds with Tyson of course).

Did you know that India Replaced It's Currency Last Month? And it seems that all is not peachy keen.

Could Bitcoin increasingly be viewed like a Swiss Bank Account? In other words - like a Safe Asset? - And if so, what may happen to the price when the super wealthy discover that they need some?

Lots of people are in the dark as to what the IRS ruled about Bitcoin and alternative currencies in 2014 - now the treasury is asking the IRS again to look at all of the hubbub - much of it is summarized in this article.
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