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Sunday, December 11, 2016

India Moving To Biometric Scans On Every Person For Banking

Whether it is big brother or 1984 - India seems bent on skipping the debit card part of world society and leaping ahead...furthering the move to a cashless society via bioscans. And more and more in India are viewing Bitcoin As Wealth Protection. On a similar front... should Governments and Bitcoin, Finally Bury The Hatchet?

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With cyber attacks in the headlines continuously, such as the latest hack at Ethereum And Augur (which was dumped on exchanges) - often for the ransom of Bitcoin - it's of interest that the same blockchain technology could be used to Prevent Cyber Attacks. Or secure voting systems...or even Vehicle Registrations. You get the gist...the blockchain isn't going away.
By the way...before you begin trading on the Crypto Exchanges - be aware that analysis this sophisticated is out there along with manipulative bots and developers who want an active coin.
Thanks for your eyeballs today.
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