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Sunday, December 18, 2016

What IF Billionaires Discovered Bitcoin?

I put together this original blog post on a couple hours ago; and, in it I extrapolate some figures to produce a possible bitcoin price of over 40,000 USD's for one Bitcoin - if and when, Billionaires begin to hedge with the digital currency.

Read the basic math at the link - and if you are not yet a part of the Steemit movement...well...consider it.
Are people in Venezuela using Bitcoin while their fiat collapses? Yes. More upward pressure in price one would assume.
Latest Ethereum price trends.
One of the greatly increasing trends is using Bitcoin to pay freelancers and such...expect it to continue to grow. In this story it shows quantitatively this info via the history of the term search for `earn bitcoin'.
Hey, thanks for your readership. Go sign up at Steemit too.
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