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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Is 25,000 Dollar Bitcoin A Possibility?

As some readers know - I already played some games with some numbers involving what could happen to the price of Bitcoin,  if BILLIONAIRES decided holding/having Bitcoin as part of their assets was a good idea But this new number of 25 grand is being throw around by more than just some blogger -even if some of the reasoning is similar in looking at Bitcoin as a hard asset. It's more of the World Reserve Currency Talk.
Bitcoin And Blockchain Links

Here's some info on the suspension in China at some exchanges on Bitcoin Withdraws.
Most of you know the academic world is deeply looking at The Level Of Bitcoin Being Anonymous and how it might be accomplished again.
Almost everyone who talks about Bitcoin use and adoption speak of China and America...but could a Europe Narrative eventually drive prices too?
Some coins have potential to become LOCAL - Scot Coin and others are mentioned in this Article.
I will get into this more in my next post...but, it seems that a new business model exists to lure folks into bitcoin. Newbies. The ultimate lure....FREE Bitcoin for minimal effort...endless FREE Bitcoin for minimal effort (the total effort is simply having a bitcoin wallet address) - no ID other than your deposit address. Use this link to find out about FREE Bitcoin (.0006 per day of's about 60 cent USD daily at today's prices) - Don't be the last to check this out
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