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Thursday, May 11, 2017

37,000 Trading Cryptos Crash Poloniex - Shake Market Confidence

As the Tulip Mania begins to take hold - will any exchange be able to handle the trading? Already the seams seem to be busting at Polo...the number one trading company in America for full Crypto trading. Already several times within the past week the site went down for hours - not allowing - seemingly - anyone to trade (one has to wonder is it executing huge simultaneous sell orders? - is this how long it takes to settle the trades and margins?) - causing many to lose small fortunes in their opinion.....There has been a ton of news in the now overly hot crypto world. Hold on tight?
Bitcoin And Blockchain Reads
Following in the footsteps of Japan - Australia, starting July 1st, will treat Bitcoin Like Money. Don't be the last to own bitcoin, the train is leaving the station. Oh...Japan is about to start offering a fixed rate of interest..considerably higher than the standard rate...for depositing Bitcoin and (I assume) allowing them to hold it for up to a Year - the article notes how close Japan is to retail adoption of Bitcoin.
Crypto coin DASH has hired more top developers bringing it's team to 20 - meanwhile..through a new partnership - DASH can be traded into and out of 20 Fiat Currencies - sounds like a coin with a plan and real business.
One of the many fast growing coin marketcaps this past month has been for the STEEM platform - This Post At Steemit, a winner - tells of the many many ways you can already use that Cryptocurrency.
Seems another China/USA partnership in the Crypto world could mean big mining even - BitPay and BItMain are partnering up. Interesting mix.
Yes...there are Facebook Crypto Pages find one find many.
One of the best ways to make BTC is by investing in ICO's of blockchain start-ups - which are coming out of the woodwork like there is no tomorrow - it's important to have a Cyber Fund Radar - invest wisely.
As you know..the smart money likes to invest in currencies that are stronger ... well did you know that Bitcoin leads every fiat coinage on Earth for the past 3 years?.... The MSM will never tell you to disrupt the system..that will be up to you.
One of the classic coins getting a lot of attention of late is LiteCoin - and much of the rise is due to SegWit - find out in this piece..why it does matter.
========================='s not too late to MINE or to buy here's another prediction for a 3,000 target price in 2017. Remember...sign up at Coinbase using my affiliate link -
and when the amount of bitcoin you buy exceeds 100.00 will receive 10.00 worth of FREE Bitcoin.....they do NOT give this bonus unless someone uses an affiliate link. (yes I get compensated too when you do that).
Finally, remember...Barfstew - AKA - The Crypto Revolution - has an amazing archive with lots of "playboy" non nude pictures for enjoyment. Everything safe for work...but only barely. Literally.
That said, simply go back with the page back button and you will find one great bitcoin read after another....enjoy and invest in bitcoin.

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