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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sex Robot Left Broken And Heavily Soiled From Abuse In Public Setting

BIT-STEW will be ...a bit of the debris floating in our days and times - like the coming revolution in robotic sex partners (1/2 of all men said they would consider sex with a robot)....the article states that men at a Tech Fair left the robot with broken fingers, and very soiled (soiled was not defined)
‘People can be bad. Because they did not understand the technology and did not have to pay for it, they treated the doll like barbarians.’

As many of you know...Bitcoin hit a new alltime high with the last 7 days...largely..they say..because China May Reverse Ban On Bitcoin/Crypto Exchanges....why have the free enterprise side in China profit when it can be "the people" who profit.
Speaking of profiting off of Bitcoin.... here's a prediction model that suggests 6,300 is not out of the question before years end. Bitcoin at 6,358.00 by 2018. Story includes the funny quote from John McAfee too.
Many people who trade crypto currencies occasionally use what is called TETHER...(say you think the bitcoin price is going to decline for a few day...sell your bitcoin for TETHER (cash) and by MORE of it back with the same cash when the price goes down) -'s a read about the company behind TETHER.
Bit-Stew - Nothing Like It
Desperate Turds

Yep...the return of Sexy Sunday and Sexy YouTube Too - Part Of The BARFSTEW Archive
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