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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Nasdaq CEO: Crypto Could Still Become "Global Currency"

While the Crypto Winter's still of interest that folks in the know... haven't ruled out that CryptoCurrencies Could Still Become A Global Currency - it's a short Coin Telegraph read. Here's a tease:
Thus far, she argued, crypto has evolved through what she terms a “classic invention lifecycle” — from its early path forged by pioneers in cryptography and economics, to a period of hype, the proliferation of new market entrants, and now, most recently, “a dose of reality.” Crypto thus stands at a crossroads, she says, poised between one of two outcomes:

Spring Is Coming
Hope you are ready for a 4 minute read about SEX - comparing relationship casual sex...Barfstew?
Speaking of Bit-Stew..... and strangeness... how about this Reddit Link of a man that treated his back pain by injecting his own semen... the the hospital..but he did it for over a year. The Reddit link will lead you into the corner of the internet if you page down.
Today's Sexy Image
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