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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Exactly How The "Jeopardy Guy" Will Lose

He's become "the Jeopardy Guy" - with his amazing accumulation of wins and unique style - to become an icon for game show history - and now an internet sensation. But you only hit this story to find out how he is going to lose, right?

Well before that.....

First...he's changed the entire Jeopardy game in less than 3 weeks play. As watchers know... he generally is starting with the hardest and most valuable (moneywise) question in the category - to accumulate the MOST money possible BEFORE he encounters the "daily double"....which he then goes "all in" in round one every time. And, he generally is the one to find that and every daily double - because of his unrelenting board control. 

Indeed...the breadth of his knowledge boarders on having an imbedded computer in his brain, as it is nearly instantaneous with answers in most categories. It's easy to imagine he is "cheating" (remember the 64,000 Dollar Question in the olden days?) in some sort of manner (questions in advance at the minimum) especially with that coyish smile he carries. how does he lose? Well, there is the slightest chance that he will get carried away and bet stupidly...but as a professional gambler..that isn't likely. No one is going to go into Final Jeopardy double their score and catch him betting too much and losing with a wrong answer. NO ONE. So, might he bet a lot of his total and miss TWO of the Double Jeopardy's? And...therefore be catchable by some other contestant? All I can say is it is very doubtful. Indeed...these are about the only ways he can so-called "lose", in the old idea of the game --- and it's simply - highly unlikely.

No, the Jeopardy Guy will NOT lose... ever. He will ONLY BE BEATEN BY THE EXACT SAME STRATEGY - and even then, there will need to be a special circumstance IMO. What it will take is a "match" between James Holzhauer and someone worthy. Note that I said... someone. NOT two other competitor will have to be literally non-existent and a non factor. That and only that will produce the "match" aspect between the Jeopardy Guy and the challenger.

Then, the challenger will need to adopt THE EXACT STYLE used already by James Holzhauer - nothing else will work. I'm already looking for that one competitor who goes all in on the first round Double Jeopardy. Oh...and a weird mix of categories would be helpful too.... If no one adopts the new style and soon... this guy could break the bank and beat the house.

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