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Friday, September 27, 2019

Rapper Akon Says Bitcoin Better Than ‘Military-Backed’ US Dollar

Doesn't get much more in your face than THAT, does it? Here's the link Is Fiat Military Backed? - First Bitcoin and now Libra stands to challenge the barfy existing system.... better own some. Have Bitcoin? Like Roulette? Bitcoin Gambling
Speaking of barfy...You've heard of Beyond Meat...right? The plant based meat...which now has a relationship with McDonalds - this is breaking news.
Lured Into Lewd

Bag Of Money - Stripper Tips
Beautiful Bikini Girl
Speaking of Lewd...there's this old classic of a Brazilian woman selling her virginity for over 750,000 dollars.... the male version of the same auction only was worth 1/260th Of That Amount - hit the link for the lurid BS details.
Some Of The Rarest Images In History
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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Research Show PSI Possible With Ouija Board Movement

As Barfstew readers know - the BS likes to venture into the paranormal. Today's post is in one of the offshoots and involves some technology developed by a German scientist involving a camera and software based system. One thing new to the BS was the fact that the "answers" of spelled out letters to questions came at a rate under 2 seconds...these pointers were flying around the table...hence the need for cameras to pinpoint what letter was being pointed to and to have a means to record the flowing info. the "answer" flowing from the planchette to the humans moving it or the other way around...are humans unconsciously moving the pointer? Here's an excerpt:

"preliminary data challenges prevailing assumptions about the ideomotor effect, such as the claim that “that meaningful responses from the Ouija board may be an emergent property of interacting and predicting minds that increasingly impose structure on initially random events in Ouija sessions.

Here's another great write up at The Daily Grail (great short read of summery) all based on the actual paper published in The Journal of Scientific Exploration (actual 22 page pdf file).
Recently I came across a version of Ghost Riders In The Sky unfamiliar to me - as I dug deeper I discovered that the original version of the song was from 1949 and that it spent 11 weeks at number one....
Ghost Riders In The Sky
Ready for some non nude sexy gals?
Sexy Track Athletics
Beach Hotties
Bitcoin And Crypto News
XRP Community Accuses Execs Of Dumping Ripple btw...when Ripple was at 3.00 one of the execs was temporarily the richest person on the planet.
Binance Announces Coin Similar To Libra  - called Venus. Binance is the largest Crypto Exchange.
The Rabbit Hole (click to enlarge)

The Rabbit Hole In One Chart
And...finally... Did You Know
That Protestors In Hong Kong Are Cutting Down Facial Recognition Towers? - Yeah...BS politics like that doesn't get spread on the MSM does it.
Check out these cool Amazon Products

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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Court Rules, Craig Wright - Mr Satoshi - Must Give Up 500,000 Bitcoin

Yes...a FIVE Billion with a B...dollar judgement. CW has been using the courts in an attempt to shore up his claim to be the inventor of Bitcoin...this is one outcome - lots and lots of important links on this story Here, and here, Will Kleiman Crash Bitcoin and here, CW challenges the ruling. The Barfstew of Bitstew..'s a summary of the BS on Twitter.
Barfstew Lurid
An excerpt "The first allegedly happened on April 7, 2017 during a Philadelphia Phillies game. The officer said he and his wife were at McFadden’s Sports Bar with friends when the chief, who also happened to be at the bar, told him he would promote him if he could leave with her. He claims the chief and another high-ranking officer asked his wife what assets the cop had to help him be promoted and pointed up and down her body."
Barfstew - Politics 
We've hit an important anniversary this year - the China Massacre - rare photo below
It's Just Barfable
Unique Roundabout

Roundabout In Middle Of Nowhere
Barfstew Paranormal
Catching A Leprechaun
an excerpt
"The affair has created the greatest excitement, especially as the belief is that if a person is so fortunate as to capture a leprechaun unawares the leprechaun will, a condition of his release, lead his captor where a secret pot gold lies buried. (21 Apr 1908),"

Leprechaun Myths
You made it to the reward...the BS Sexy Side
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