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Friday, September 27, 2019

Rapper Akon Says Bitcoin Better Than ‘Military-Backed’ US Dollar

Doesn't get much more in your face than THAT, does it? Here's the link Is Fiat Military Backed? - First Bitcoin and now Libra stands to challenge the barfy existing system.... better own some. Have Bitcoin? Like Roulette? Bitcoin Gambling
Speaking of barfy...You've heard of Beyond Meat...right? The plant based meat...which now has a relationship with McDonalds - this is breaking news.
Lured Into Lewd

Bag Of Money - Stripper Tips
Beautiful Bikini Girl
Speaking of Lewd...there's this old classic of a Brazilian woman selling her virginity for over 750,000 dollars.... the male version of the same auction only was worth 1/260th Of That Amount - hit the link for the lurid BS details.
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