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Friday, December 10, 2021

Could Craig Wright Say F-U To Bitcoin And SELL A MILLION?

 To a casual observer like myself - it seems that Craig Wright has been kicked around forever about his declaration that he is the inventor of Bitcoin. It seems with the verdict in - that he has an ample chance to prove his relevance once more. What if in the wee hours the wallets of the original miner becomes active? What if it is easy to see that someone wants to raise 100 million RIGHT NOW in Bitcoin sales to some stable coin? What might that do to the price of bitcoin? What if someone decided to sell 1,000,000 coins? Could it crash a market? Would it be an ultimate F-U to all the naysayers?


Some of the various reactions to the verdict:



So, the slippery slope has begun with NEVER having the right to smoke in New Zealand - read about it HERE - this despite over 30% of indigenous still being smokers. Barfstew for sure.


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