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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The 2008 `UFO In My Barn' Blog Prediction - Has Come True!

Hello, welcome to Barf Stew - the blog where `anything can come up'. Today's entree is a new probable hoax about two folks claiming to have an object (teasingly not described as a UFO but as a small craft that has a strong sulfur odor) in ` locked refrigerated storage' - that when you take a picture of it everything shows as a deep blue color. Then, a day later, pictures arrive that were supposed to be in the first mailing

Unfortunately for the probable hoaxers - Lon at Phantoms and Monsters has a huge memory bank for the shape of crafts and lo and behold - the supposed photo of the craft in `locked refrigerated storage' - seems to be anything but a craft found in the woods. And, unlike the Georgia Bigfoot hoax a year ago - which supposedly did involve cash exchanging hands - it doesn't look like these hucksters will be as successful at swapping the `UFO In My Barn' (which I predicted could happen here on Aug. 17th of last year - read how close I was to this folly) for a bounty.

Don't worry - we still have room for the `Elf In The Cellar Hoax' -- I guess if it was a Gnome or Alien that would work too. Such is the world of running anomalous websites - where it all comes running at you.

Hope you enjoy my new blog - bookmark and return if you would. .

Today's Barf Stew (BS) worthy links: Something truly strange happened the other night in the skies of Norway - something that I've never seen before in many many strange videos of the sky. This link contains the theories and Great photos too.

This is the video below of the phenomena: Wow. Includes pictures of the phenomena from different parts of Norway.

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