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Thursday, December 24, 2009

All The Fun Of The Psychic Fair

Here's a great Barf Stew piece from just a bit back. Ok, so you go to a `Psychic Fair' and are going to offer your first `readings' for free - but - only when the people have already had a paid reading with another `Psychic' --- for comparison. All and all, makes for a fun read of four minutes. Woman in a cage in a flesh colored suit. Popular culture. Barf Stew.

In my blog The Heavy Stuff - I called this link the number one link of the year. It's about Orbs and what they could be. Find out more.

Alien Abduction: Wyoming Woman Comes Forward -- Lon has another first person account of alien abduction -- this one has a new twist - they took her kidney.
Barf Stew? --- Hey, who knows, -- you decide.

Now, here's a Barfable one for you ----Two-thirds of cocaine in US is cut with veterinary deworming drug ----

Ron Paul: in a libertarian society, socialists could voluntarily live in their own communities - Here in this short, under two minute, Ron Paul YouTube clip - we have Mr. Paul speaking to a Student TownHall - killer stuff -

"The United States cannot force foreign governments to increase their holdings of Treasuries," - Is the Barf about to hit the fan?

Okay, check this out --- a house INSIDE of a CAR -- worth the view for sure.

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