WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pentagon now spending more for war than all 50 States combined spend to run the country

Hello - anyone home? Is there any limit, at all, to our quest for war and `safety'? Barf Stew link for sure -

10-Year-Old Suspended for Peppermint Oil - PSSSSSSSSSSStttttttt ..... look what I got .... Come on - Barf it up.

Kinkiness Beyond Kinky -- -- You will NEVER learn as much about Duck penises as you will in the next few minutes. Spicy Barf Stew for sure - might want to have some peppermint oil around.

Finally, what if someone built a 1-10 scale model of a Saturn V missile and launched it from their backyard? You have to see this to believe it.

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