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Monday, December 21, 2009

Humans Grapple With Understanding Blue Whale Song Changes In Last Eight Years

Hello, welcome to Barf Stew. One of the most interesting things on Earth yet discovered by humans is that the Blue Whales in our oceans have complex `songs' - actually, we assume, it's their `language' of course. A language that humans have yet to `break' but we assume (there's that assume again) they are talking `mating' or doing some self-identifying (fearing that they are really talking about how humans may be F'ing up the planet).

Anyway, today's post is about a finding concerning the Blue Whales `song' that is challenging ocean scientists thought processes. You see, worldwide, - yes, worldwide - in the last eight years the Blue Whale `song' has been `deepening' - to quote from the article:

"that the songs’ tonal frequency is falling every year by a few fractions of a hertz."

To which our scientists have offered some of their best guesses as to why this phenomena is happening. Such as:

  • the increase in ocean noise
  • adaption to warmer ocean water
  • `recovery' of species has more older deep voiced males being imitated
  • that the Blue Whales listen to each other and imitate

But, each of these theories have a counter-point. If it was ocean noise - and the Blue Whales wanted to be heard `over-above' it - they would be higher pitched, not lower. Additionally, it's speculated that the changes to the oceans over the last eight years would not seem significant enough to trigger this yearly downward tone change. Also, in areas with stable older male populations, the change is happening - suggesting the `older male Whale theory' may not be valid.

Which, finally leaves - that Blue Whales, somehow, are in touch with their species on a world level. AND, that they are all `talking' in unison, in a new way, to get our attention.

Here's the link - - tell a friend you caught this link at Baft Stew. Thanks. Have a look around as there is lots more to see in other posts too.

More Barf Stew links for today - Lon lands another first person account of high strangeness - rapidly becoming one of the websites best features. And, this tale from New Zealand has all the elements for a great experience with the twilight zone.

Ohio study finds conservatives believe that Stephen Colbert dislikes liberalism - Lots of Barf Stew analysis here.

And, talking about analysis - here's Al Franken - "Franken Spars With Thune Accuses Him Of Not Reading The Senate Health Bill"

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