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Saturday, December 19, 2009

UFO Pyramid Reported Over Kremlin

First, we had the Norway Spiral and now it's the Kremlin Pyramid - all within 10 days.

Here is a link to the site with the above video and story Not only that - here's another link of someone else observing a pyramid UFO over the United States - Pyramid UFO's? Barf Stewable for sure. Back in the Barf Stew land before political correctness - we had ads - directed at pre-teen boys - for handcuffs. And one wonders why the hippies of yesteryear are so hip.

Ancient Amazon civilisation laid bare by felled forest - From the article "The traditional view is that before the arrival of the Spanish and Portuguese in the 15th century there were no complex societies in the Amazon basin – in contrast to the Andes further west where the Incas built their cities. Now deforestation, increased air travel and satellite imagery are telling a different story" - Are you ready for a new history about South America? An excellent picture here of the Kremlin Pyramid UFO.

The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia - Man o Man - here's a real keeper listing. Lots of Barf Stew here.

See You Tomorrow.

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