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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Blue sky thinking: The 'skyscraper' farms that could be feeding millions by 2050

Since it seems most lead articles are about Barfable stories - here's a change of pace - a visionary idea that is definitely Stewable. Here's a cool post with some REAL UFO data - which is not easy to find. To boot, it's about UFO data by time of day, shape of craft - decade of sighting, ect. Barf Stew at its best.
Police fight cellphone recordings - Witnesses taking audio of officers arrested, charged with illegal surveillance - More Barf Stew at its finest. Here's a quote “The police apparently do not want witnesses to what they do in public,’’ said Sarah Wunsch, a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, who helped to get the criminal charges against Surmacz dismissed.
The Fake Freeway Sign that Became a Real Public Service - Could be the LINK OF THE MONTH? -- You gotta love it when a citizen takes it into their own hands to fixed the F-ed up system. -------- Read here the story and see the pictures of an example of citizen power. ------ Great Stew.
Weird Object Zooming by Earth Wednesday is Likely an Asteroid - Only 1/3 the way to the moon - that is close. And, even more asteroid news here --- UFO Contactee Warns Apophis Asteroid Could Devastate Europe - - Archaeology: "Neanderthals Used Makeup and Jewelry?" - Neanderthal reads are always so much fun - as they only stir the Stew to know.
UFO Photo from Argentina Touted as "Best of 2009" - Hardly! Indeed, probably not even the UFO photo of the day if compared I bet. That said, a photo of interest. Barf Stew. -- Check on Jan 10th for this site - and there is my blog THS (I found 10 folks came to my THS from here the first day.). If you are a fan of H.P. Lovecraft, this blog is for you - or if you appreciate "Illuminating the Dark Spheres of Weird Horror". Could be a BlogFind.
And how about ending with `new' `Roswell' Crash Footage? BarfStew Baby.

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