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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Deja Vu All Over Again for UFOs and Bigelow

Wow. --------- This website is TWICE linked to concerning this fantastic overview of the whole connection of Robert Bigelow to the investigation of anomalous events, including UFO's and his apparent quasi-connection to the government. Specifically, the Barf Stew post about my question asking `Where are the UFO investigations?' is linked too as is my first BS post on all of this. Lon Strickler's sites are also linked to as part of this commentary. Mysterious Universe has now linked to my material on their podcast and blog. --- It is important to understand this when thinking about UFO investigations likely to be mentioned within the press. Careful, probable Barf Stew (BS)

I also have found my THS blog linked to here recently - Stewable stuff.

7 Mysterious Moments in Evolution - Ever question evolution before? Is this Stewable Barf?

The UFO Movement’s Ball and Chain - Wow; here's a REAL serious look at one persons opinion about what is WRONG about the folks leading the UFO `movement' -- well written - Stewable.

Here's another VERY Stewable article about the emergence of 1984 about 25 years late. ----------- Forget Frisks; So-long Scanners: Airports Will Read Your Mind -

And, BS will finish today off with a FUN video -- titled - The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog - Believe it!

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