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Friday, January 1, 2010

Huffington - Move Your Money: A New Year's Resolution - (Revolution)

Wow. What a powerful call by a major internet influence in America. I witnessed the shouting match between Huffington and Krudlow on CNBC - heavy and barfable. A must read link and possibly - action.

Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? - The answer is a click away - Stewable.

Blackwater: Private Army In The News Again - You can listen to - or - read the story at this link. To me, Private Armies - Barfable.

From the glimmers of hope category - Panasonic’s new home battery could store a week’s-worth of electricity -

Talk to the Dead -- Intuition Expert Laura Day Tells Us How (Really!) - Don't start a new decade without this ability - Barfable - - Organ memory - read these stories about how folks who get transplants often have memories involved with the person who gave the organ. Stewable.

More guns equal more crime? Not in 2009, FBI crime report shows. - Never mind, of course, that anything that there was `more of' in 2009 - could have the same correlation. That said, as more `home invaders' get shot - it could be beginning to matter to everyone in a positive overall manner. You will find my The Heavy Stuff blog on this listing today. Many other links of Barf Stew quality too.

Russia may send spacecraft to knock away asteroid - Under reported for sure on this one.

Ready for something really unusual - really strange - kinda erotic - but - rated G? Well, look no further than this video of the worlds tallest woman embracing a much smaller woman. Barf Stew - Video Soup.

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