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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Carlos Castaneda and Anthropological Fraud

Here's a lawyer in Canada who makes sure his readers know for sure that Carlos Castenada was a fraud. And, while he makes an excellent case, some of Castenada's ideas were indeed NEW at the time and really first explained by him - such as controlled lucid dreaming. That said, this link - makes for good reading and a desire to dig into what this guy has written about over the years. I know that his find of this anti-Castenada book was new to me
The Don Juan Papers: Further Castaneda Controversies Barf Stew feature link.

Synesthesia - Here's a real over the top topic for you on your weekend. "An example of this is the bouba/kiki effect. In an experiment first designed by Wolfgang Köhler, people are asked to choose which of two shapes is named bouba and which kiki. 95% to 98% of people choose kiki for the angular shape and bouba for the rounded one.....Even 2.5 year-old children (too young to read) show this effect.[61]" Here's the link -

By the way - check out where my only Castenada post ended up about 8 weeks ago -

And, my UFO blogpost of 2 days ago ended up here in the recent news area on the right sidebar - other cool links too - -- Lots of Barf Stew here.

Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: "Today is the day that I realized that my own country is lying to me and all of my fellow Americans." - I carried this guys story about the airplane terror incident the other day -- a cover-up is evidently underway -- and here is MORE detail. You crave Barf - here it is.

Fannie, Freddie exec pay suggests stock worth nothing - Barf Stew at it's best - The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac still to come bust -

The Recession Begins Flooding Into the Courts - And not one banker, appraiser, or mortgage broker went to jail. The Great Recession.

Ok, that's enough Barf for today - Except for this time travel into the past - 1900 exactly - on a pier with a steamboat coming in -- you will NOT believe the detail in this picture.

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