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Friday, January 29, 2010

Is the Hobbit's Brain Unfeasibly Small?

A real meaty article with a very strong science angle about the small race of folks that have come to be known as the Hobbits - who existed up until nearly modern times. Ultimately, this article answers in a quantitative way whether human lineage includes examples of supposed de-evolution into smaller size and brain - the answer may be a surprise. Stewable.

Recapitulation (Castaneda) - - Other than controlled lucid dreaming - this may have been Castaneda's second heaviest idea. Stewable for most. - The due or die on Pot legalization is approaching in California. Read all about it. Stewable. - Great practical joke. Imagine making a call (and you can make up to 5 calls at this link) and being able to put ANYTHING onto the caller ID of the person you call? Yeah, I thought you'd get it.

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