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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rant 306 - From J.S.Flower - 7/10/2004

A 100 year old pin-head scientist pushing evolutionYet where is the INVOLUTION?
All of the unknowns that science cannot explainnor will they ever be able to explain (big-bang included)
Because they still think that time can be toldby looking at their wrist watch, or clock, or marking a calander from PopeGregory!
Please let us hope to wake up by 2008...2012...Time is of the essence, yet scientists cannot understand essence orbeing...Why?
Because our tools of measurement are faulty and only cover the surface ofmateriality(physic's included)
Unique metapatterns baffle these pinhead knowitalls, Dr.'s of illusionstudying what?
If we do a bit of bioscience we'll figure it all out, here a splice, therea splice, everywhere a splice, splice.
So how is that peach of a state? One of your breathren gored inSpain...bulls a running...
Where does the transformation of energy fit into these theories?Theomermalogos perhaps?!
Just so long as I can fill it up...Modern caveman behind the wheel of hismobile caveburning it up as fast as he can, with the pick your poision election, justdown the road...
Skull & BonesOil is turmoilPure poision from extraction to combustion, all for making money, big moneyVintage from a crafty industrialist now snakeoil on every corner
Seen 911 yet? What a bunch of propaganda
We have a choice4 more years ofdumbing down

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