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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Legalizing Marijuana Would Increase Unemployment And Would Unfairly Interfere With The Free Market System - Rant 305

45% of the justice business in this country depends on the inflow of marijuana arrests to keep judges, police, prison guards, probation officers and other civil servants employed to deal with non-violent criminals. Drug testing companies depend heavily on marijuana laws to market their products all over the country in response to fear based marketing. Drug companies sell expensive drugs that wouldn't be used if the ordinary consumer could replace them with home grown remedies such as marijuana which, although shown to be quite effective, do not generate revenue for corporate entities - which in turn provide money to politicians. Legalizing marijuana is just another attempt at Socialism and we all know where that leads...Communism. Keep marijuana illegal and if possible increase the penalties for possession to something even more profitable for the controllers of the public.

Except for the last six words - this is a copy and paste that I found in a comment section somewhere on the web recently - I believe in response to the recent moves to legalize in California. While OBVIOUSLY satire and a good one at that -- it's great satire because EVERY WORD IS TRUE. About the only twist that I would have added, would have been to point out how the media depends on the advertising revenue from politicians and that if they couldn't report pot busts as `news' - what use would the politicians have at all and what `news' would they fill the drug war time with?

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