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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Alien, With Vision Goggles And Boots, First Alien Photograph?

First, my thanks to Lon at Phantoms and Monsters for running with this link. Seems the folks at CSETI and Dr. Steven Greer have released the first ever picture of an alien (see above). You can read for yourself the story here - . You will find at the link that the picture you are looking at is described as a male, 3-5 feet tall (seems a large range when one can tell that the alien is) wearing vision goggles and boots. And, as you can clearly discern above "with a very large head with an indented area demarked by ridges in the forehead. The hairline, ears, eyes, mouth and chin are clearly visible"
Now, clearly, I lack that wonderful imagination that these dedicated to the Exo-politics movement have - as all I see is a dubious, but interesting picture (especially with the story attached which one can hope is not total fabrication).
Indeed, the story with the picture is quite compelling that some possible portal was permitting some form of energy to be seen and photographed - so - why spoil it with explaining that the photo is a male alien wearing boots and goggles?

As I said in my comment on Lon's site - the Exopolitics movement seems to love to overpromise and under-deliver.

Finally, the links ends with these words:
"Perhaps part of the challenge of the UFO and ET subject is to expand human awareness of what is possible--of contact in multiple dimensions, where thought and machine are one, and where the limit of what is possible exceeds even the sky and space, and reaches to the farthest limits of human consciousness"
To which I say - here here. It's right up the alley of what Billion Year Old Entities may be up to (I wrote about Billion Year Old entities here - and here - .

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  1. Of course he's wearing boots and goggles - they're to protect him while he's practising his nude ice skating routine. How else d'you think he got that "very large head with an indented area"? No wonder he's got those "ridges in the forehead"!

    But who'd've thought Homer "Shaddup your face" Simpson, doing his Italian caricature routine of pinching the tips of his fingers together, curling them towards him and shaking them high in the air - a la Mussolini - was also reproducing the universal identification symbol of the pan-dimensional cosmic traveller?

  2. That's not an Italian gesture - the photographer took the picture just before the alien raised his yo-yo finger.

  3. plasticine man gives finger sign while ice dancing


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