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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cincinnati - America's Craziest City?

Now, I know as an old riverboat town, that in the forgotten days of yesteryear Cincinnati was indeed known as a crazy fun place (actually it was across the river that its reputation arose from). But, now, in 2010 - using the criteria of - psychiatrists per capita, stress, eccentricity and drinking levels - once again, the Ohio city can claim to be the best in something. Craziness.

Here are some other highlights of the `study':

#2, San Francisco
Psychiatrists per capita: 1
Local Character: Samir “Sammy” Keishk spent 18 months and $12,000 working on a 2,260-pound rubber-band ball in a quest to set a Guinness world record.

#4, Milwaukee
Psychiatrists per capita: 10
Stress: 33 (tie)
Eccentricity: 29
Drinking: 1 (tie)
Colorful Character: 36-year-old Don Gorske, who lives an hour away from Milwaukee, is known as the "Big Mac Enthusiast" for having eaten over 23,000 Big Macs in his lifetime. That's two a day for 30 years.

#5, Las Vegas
Psychiatrists per capita: 55
Stress: 9
Eccentricity: 9
Drinking: 1 (tie)
Local Color: Gamblers looking to make an apt political statement should visit Las Vegas’ Main Street Station Casino, where male patrons are invited to relieve themselves on a large chunk of the Berlin Wall.

#10, New Orleans
Psychiatrists per capita: 3
Stress: 30
Eccentricity: 1
Drinking: 49 (tie)

#12, Austin
Psychiatrists per capita: 33
Stress: 46
Eccentricity: 3
Drinking: 1 (tie)
Colorful Character: Keep Austin Weird: In 1988, Vince Hannemann began building his Cathedral of Junk, which, today, is a trashy hub packed with 60 tons of castoffs: lawnmower wheels, car bumpers, kitchen utensils, ladders, cables, bottles, circuit boards, bicycle parts, bric-a-brac, and a lot of unidentifiable junk

#13, Cleveland
Women are forbidden from wearing patent leather shoes, so that men will not see the reflections of their underwear.

#15, Memphis
Psychiatrists per capita: 40
Stress: 1
Eccentricity: 10
Drinking: 38 (tie)

#36, Jacksonville, FL
A 62-foot tall can of 7-Up holds 65,000 gallons.

#47, Norfolk, VA
There are over 300 10-foot long statues of mermaids placed throughout Norfolk, and it is up to the tourists to see how many they can spot before leaving the city.

And, America's Most Sane City -

#57, Salt Lake City
Psychiatrists per capita: 36
Stress: 55
Eccentricity: 56
Drinking: 49 (tie)
Crazy Law: If you persist in walking on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway, you are committing a felony.

You can read the methodology and the other goofy stuff at this link -

More links today too - including: - Pictures of the worlds tallest model - horse - building and more.

Here's what you get when you use 465,000 Legos - World’s Tallest Lego Tower - Great picture.

Now that your primed for World Records - here you go -

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