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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Soldiers Call It `War Porn'

In our welcome to the 2000's war article here - we have the story of `war drone pilots' - you know, the ones (7,000 systems in the air via 43 countries with pilots) flown by someone who ends up killing in the morning - only to go home to cuddle his kid in the evening. - Worthy of the Barf Stew tag.,1518,682852,00.html

Porn: Good for us? - Scientific examination of the subject has found that as the use of porn increases, the rate of sex crimes goes down. - Speaking of porn - BS here too.

Use Cash And Enjoy Privacy? You’re A Terrorist  - Sadly, this is a real story - and total Barf Stew.

Local Man Jailed For Crossing Street - Did you know that in certain parts of the United States that crossing into Canada was as easy as crossing the street? -

UFOs / 'Tall Humanoids' Reported in Post-Earthquake Chile - A super high strangeness report by Lon Strickler about encounters with huge humanoids after the Chile earthquake. Makes one wonder if prayers to God concentrated in a certain area might have `side effects' -- The sky UFO seems to be another orb. Stewable.

How to Live in a Tree House, From a Guy Who Did It for Five Years - Cool pictures and story here -- Smooth Stew.

Took LSD Last Night...Woke up with this written on a piece of paper... - And from the post on Reddit - ""I am seeing the same pattern, on everything from the floor to the ceiling. From the cement on the street to the branches on the trees. It's almost as if my brain is mapping the pattern of neurons firing throughout my onto everything I look at. Everything from every plant to every surface I see all have the same fractal pattern that can only be described as the map of the neurons that fire every second in our brains". But, make SURE to see the comments below - Barf Stew warning.

Let’s Teach WalMart A Lesson About Medical Marijuana - And from this link - During these periods of rapid and dizzying change – a perfect and current example being the huge shift in American attitudes toward marijuana — major corporations often reveal themselves to be big, dumb, lumbering beasts. That was exactly what WalMart, notorious for its corporate stance of social conservatism, looked like this week when it summarily sacked a cancer patient who had been “Associate of the Year” for using medical marijuana with his doctor’s recommendation – in Michigan, a state where that is perfectly legal. WalMart, so far at least, hasn’t budged. But the wave of revulsion and outrage over their treatment of Associate of the Year Joseph Casias hasn’t crested yet, and it’s going to get a lot bigger before it does. - Barf Warning.

Let's finish up today with a very thought provoking YouTube video -- Lots to Stew over on this one.

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