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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CNN Poll: Majority Says Government A Threat To Citizens' Rights

No F-ing kidding? Too bad CNN and the other MSM - is so pussy-whipped that this is NEWS to them. Frankly, disgusting tasting Barf Stew that needs long digestion. A MUST read.

And, in the exact same arena - Here's a story about the rise in anti-government groups. You know, the majority of Americans. Total Barf Stew.

So, you own a home and decide to go greener - limiting water use on your lawn for example -,0,3613612.story - sure - ready to be sued? Barf Stew.

Sell Books Online at 7 of my readers used this in the last month or so.

Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says - Stewable read.

John Stossel : All Drugs should be legalized - Here's a heavy-duty blog --- Stewable.

Believe it or not (you can see it in my public stats just look) - this blog got over 1,000 hits yesterday - from a post I did a few days ago. Most of those came from but many also came from this site - Yes, words about Barf Stew in I believe German.

Tip of the hat to Professor Hex for this one - (you can find a link for him in the sidebar) - SwordSwallowing -- GREAT Story. STEWABLE with pics.

Today's Shorpy - Downtown 1905 - TimeTravel with this link to a great picture - Stewable.  (bookmark my site and return to find great stuff like this nearly daily).

AIDS Epidemic in Some US Cities Worse Than Global Hot Spots - More of those `bad news' stories our PW media would like to ignore - Barf Stew.

YouTube cautions - this video MAY not be suitable for minors.

Ready for more? I do this on Squidoo too (with different links) at -- thanks for visiting BS today.

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