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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mistaking/Interpreting Subjective Realities For/As Alien `Abduction/Introduction' Experiences

First and foremost, it is important to realize that there are a lot of strange-seemingly real - `reality experiences' `out there'. Such as the `mutual hypnosis' experiments of Dr. Charles Tart - in which hypnotized subjects entered into their own `special reality' with a whole real phenomenological landscape ready to explore - that was as real as our everyday reality. OR, such as, the extreme DMT states, which seemed to include the possibility of having the now standard encounter with `aliens examining' oneself.

So, with such states known - as `nothing more' than an aspect of the types of `real perception' available `via an altered consciousness state' - regardless of induction method - it gets harder and harder to `accept' at face value - at least for me - the whole `I was abducted (16 times; once; hundreds of times) by an alien' story. When it most certainly is some sort of `qualitative/subjective' experience. Albeit, one that mimics, or can mimic, our normal phenomenology of `realness/solidness'.

I bring those statements of opinion to you based upon encountering - on yesterday - (as it's main lead paragraph) - two, totally different takes on the alien abduction phenomena. One, by Chris Holly, is a `be careful of aliens' tome (slow loading site) and the other, a near joyous tome about how to reach out to the aliens who want to interact with humans - the editor of Anomalist doing a marvelous job of tiptoeing between the two viewpoints offered. Please read these incredibly different views.

So, more and more - I find myself pointing out to the `believer community' (that seems to forget about known subjective realities) - that NO Bigfoot bodies after years of searching and hundreds of Bigfoot parties going into the woods - AND - NO real artifacts of another `world' that so many `abductees' seem to `go to' (not even a good photo of inside a craft) - AND - no bedroom videos of abduction ---- MEANS - (most likely) that the whole shabang - is a qualitative experience of Real Perception - AND PERHAPS NOTHING ELSE.

Yes, perception is indeed a means to experience - the unknown - of a `special reality' - one that is a subset of our common consensus. Literally, a specialized dream - that has no ongoing phenomenological structure. And, finally, frankly, one that others - who aren't abductees - are getting a little tired of hearing.

Finally, I - for one - do not believe that esoteric truths - will be given to us by aliens of our species. But, that is just my opinion - what is yours? Please leave a comment.

Those looking for a special reality can find out thru this book too -  - Where Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan - returns to give advice about the other reality.


  1. I think your take on these strange experiences is persuasive, except that there *are* bits of evidence, shoddy though they may seem to folks who aren't there to discover them. Footprints, hair, etc. If it weren't for that fact, I would be in entire agreement with you. As it is, I am half in agreement with you.

    About the evidence -- the fact that we can't get enough of it to prove anything appears to me to be deliberate. Some folks look darkly upon 'the government' and mutter, but it seems to me to be the phenomenon itself that is in control of what is found.

  2. Barf - or should I call you Stew? ...though Stew doesn't sound as funny as Barf - especially if you've deed polled your surname to Simpson!

    The only problem I have with your position is you SEEM oblivious to the possibility THIS 'reality' is entirely subjective too.

    Remember Lao Tse? "Last night I dreamt I was a butterfly - now I'm awake I'm wondering: am I a man who dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly who's dreaming he's a man?"

    The only reason you can't conceive this 'reality' may be a dream is because you keep 'waking' up in it to find things're still pretty consistent with your last visit, but think of that recent story about the Argentinian girl in her thirties who was raised by her wealthy and influential parents to be a good right wing fascist just like themselves, only to discover she'd been snatched from her REAL parents, left wing anti-government rebels who'd been tortured before being shot.

    Her entire life, she now realised, had been a complete sham.

    Then there's a mate of mine who recently had this dream in which she lived the entire life of someone who, to go by the enormous amount of detail and visual descriptions she gave me, seemed to be a Southern belle, a young woman who'd married a much older immensely wealthy grey uniformed man only to find out she was dying of an incurable condition.

    As my friend said, just talking about the vast estate she'd lived on, and all the different people she'd known and loved filled her with an unbearable nostalgia and longing that made her heart feel almost as if it was breaking - even though it was just some crummy dream.

    I asked her if she'd ever read or seen Gone With the Wind, but the sort of stuff she reads is autobiographies by Robbie Williams or Russell Brand, ditto her viewing habits.

    She described all the trips she took to take one last look at things, how surprised she was that so many people travelled from far out of their way just to see her off during her last days, how her illness grew steadily worse and finally how her life simply ebbed away until she underwent the experience of dying.

    The whole thing'd been so vivid, so detailed - so beautiful - but as I pointed out to her, if her 'real life' body'd died at the same moment she'd died in the dream, then she'd've died believing she WAS the person in the dream.


  3. First,

    Thanks to both of your for your comments.

    DBD - I think the governments involvment in the `alien' question is indeed in doubt and that the overwhelmingly large spectrum of anomalous events is something that they choose not to open up as it is only a can of worms.

    Now, as to your point about bits of evidence (like implants too I assume) - if influence outside the timecome is possible and beings can temporarily appear in our reality - then indeed some mass may be `left' here to examine. That said, these would be DIFFERENT experiences compared to the 99% subjective experiences. IMO, of course.

    borky - Thanks for taking some time with your response.

    I have tackled my feelings on the `realness' of this reality several times on my blog The Heavy Stuff -
    Now, to your point - from my viewpoint - I look at phenomenology first. And EVERYTHING in a sense (except ones space) is `subjective' (actually simply a `past space') as the only NOW point is within's ones own mass. All other information that enters your retina comes from light that bounces off objects and `takes time' IE the past --- to get to us. So, all in a sense is subjective.



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