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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mayan Pyramid Shoots out Beam of Light, in a Thunderstorm, as UFOs Hover All Around!

Hello, welcome to Barf Stew - took a day off BS yesterday to find you the hot, up and out mixture of links you desire - and this one will NOT disappoint. Barf Stew Tag. One helluva good blog too - tons and tons of content.

And, this link will have the picture of an alien - The Tomato Man - from a supposed UFO crash decades ago (as all UFO crashes are it seems) - Lon's link also includes the full story behind the crash with lots and lots of details all UFO buffs will slurp right up - GREAT Read for sure Very Stewable.

Monkeys learn more from females - Interesting study - quick read. Stewable.

I have blogged about this link before - it's the one where the FAA says to call Robert Bigelow if pilots see a UFO -

Case closed: MUFON says Euclid, OH, UFOs are planes - Something, I don't know what, doesn't smell right here - one night to prove a host of daily nightly sightings? Seems a little hasty and forced. IMO. You mean this guy and the people didn't see the planes/UFO's then going to the airport? Fishy stew. BS.

Here's a real thought provoker - The desert and the sea - This is by Michael Prescott - one of the nets real thinkers - here he talks about his observation that NDE's and such do NOT include oceans and deserts - and then he makes this observation - "If the various accounts of the afterlife were purely the product of fantasy, one might reasonably expect some of those fantasies to include the desert or the ocean. As far as I can tell, none of them do. Perhaps this argues that there is an underlying reality to these reports. This still leaves the question of why the desert and the sea have been omitted from the geography of the next world. The only tentative answer I can suggest is that both environments involve wide open spaces, and perhaps in a world consisting of consensual thought forms, it is simply not possible to have a great deal of open, essentially undeveloped space. Perhaps the natural tendency is for people's imaginative projections to fill up that space with life and activity, so that a vast expanse of sparsely vegetated land or a huge stretch of open water cannot be established, or at least cannot be maintained for long. "  Well worth your read for Stewable ideas.

World's Tallest Model - In a bikini -

And today - I leave you with a video titled "Actual Ghost / Demon Sounds recording *Warning: Disturbing*" - You have been warned.

And, if you really want to know what the dead say - check this out.


  1. Hi-Thought the following was worth sharing. I have loosely been listening to C-Span this morning (3/21/2010) while doing chores around the house. My attention became focused as I heard certain words being spoken by some kind of priest who was "blessing" the US House as they commenced their debate & vote on health care. The words that caught my attention were along the lines of; "while we've been all caught up in our own crap and otherwise not paying attention, the earth is now spinning faster and has tilted more toward the sun". (Pelosi was standing right behind him) It almost seemed unreal, so it's highly possible I got it all wrong! I'm sure every word uttered at such sessions is recorded and archived. Certainly worth looking into. JS

  2. Hello again-I just reviewed the "blessing" of US House. I was way wrong!! The "blessing" was an innocent recognition of the spring season. Please disregard! JS


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