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Monday, March 22, 2010

Antarctic Glacier Has Five-story Blood-red Waterfall of Primordial Ooze

Hello, welcome to Barf Stew (BS) - thanks for visiting again today (you have a BS bookmark, right?). Today's top link has a cool story that has taken 2 million years to come to this stage and a GREAT unique picture.

Have I made you a Shorpy fan yet? Here's one of the very best I've seen in months - It's Coney Island in 1905 - and a picture titled `Dreamland Twilight' - Make sure to read the comments too (left side underneath) - Stewable.

Want some ParaNormal? - 5 Ghostly images caught on film you need to see to believe - -- Each one of these is Very Stewable.

MUFON member finds witness confirmation on 'horseshoe-shaped' UFO - You know - I wade thru a lot of UFO stories before one makes the grade - this one is for sure Barf Stew Worthy.

25 Most Extreme Female Bodies -- Tallest, shortest, biggest bust, most pierced, etc - - B.S.

And, finally, some YouTube - B.S. - FUN

Want to believe in magic?  I run another site as weird as this one at - see you there too.

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