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Monday, April 5, 2010

1st Choice for Extraterrestrial Life: Saturn's Titan or Jupiter's Europa?

By the early 1960's - most kids growing up knew that it was suggested that Titan and Europa were the most interesting `moons' in the solar system. Good to know some things don't change. Very short and Stewable.

Barf Stew means edgy and thought provoking - like this - A personal one-child policy? -

And, this was my post on my blog The Heavy Stuff - yesterday - A Twist To `Aliens’ Showing Us OUR Apocalypse - As you might expect - The `twist' has to do with my expectation that Real Aliens are not showing humans films in crafts of the apocalypse. Stewable.

Cool optical illusion -

The $250,000 Joint --- Could a society be that stupid? --- YEP.

Barf crazy story here - imagine keeping a Happy Meal on a shelf for a year - enjoy - Woman wishes Happy Meal a happy birthday -

Need more to Stew about? How about this YouTube video called - Pot Protesters get arrested and Crowd gets ANGRY!

Want to know more about Europa? Unmasking Europa: The Search for Life on Jupiter's Ocean Moon 

--- Remember to visit my Barf Stewlike lens on Squidoo too - <-- hours of entertainment too.

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