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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake

And, just like that - the folks into meditation - get humiliated by a leader of the movement (much like the Exopolitics folks) spouting nonsense in almost all certainty. Expect a retraction. His exact `tweet' on Twitter was "Had a powerful meditation just now -- caused an earthquake in Southern California,"  - Earning today's Barf Stew Tag. -

The church of Google asks: Is Google God? and gives nine reasons to support the idea. Almost Stewable.

In other news: Free will is an illusion, biologist says - Somehow, I don't think this four minute read is the answer - - that said - great Barf Stew.

Is it possible for a human to be awake for 15 days in a row? Well, when you hit this link - you will encounter a story you will NOT believe possible. Assuming this is true - a bizarre Russian military experiment - you will be blown totally away. B.S.

More hidden government stuff here -; Underground Bases and Tunnels: What Is the Government Trying to Hide? (Alternative Science)

Only this story remotely approaches what you just read above - The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda -  Barf Stew.

And, let's finish today's totally over the top links with something pretty stupid and meaningless.

Have you seen my blog called The Heavy Stuff? -- --- Also, always feel free to leave comments about today's post. Thanks for visiting today.

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