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Friday, April 16, 2010

Antimatter Triggers Largest Explosion Ever Recorded in Universe

Believe it or not - this headline does NOT overstate what occurred. This is a real interesting science read that gets into the details of the whole extreme physics of the event. Stewable.

More Anti-Gravity Stuff
Anti Gravity: Allegedly Humorous Writing from Scientific American
Ufos & Anti-Gravity: Piece for a Jig Saw (Pt.1)
Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field (Lost Science Series)

Is this the first of the pushback or not? Nearly 800,000 U.S. TV households 'cut the cord,' report says - Gives lots of reasons to cut the cord (assuming you have cut the phone landline, right) -- and ways to save using alternative ways to get TV programming. Interesting comments to read too. Stewable.;_ylt=AthFBTG1PVCT2qb6.095JPYDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTJ1azdzMGpzBGFzc2V0A3l0ZWNoX2dhZGcvMjAxMDA0MTMveXRlY2hfZ2FkZ190YzE1OTgEcG9zAzIEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNuZWFybHk4MDAwMDA-
And, for Today's MOST over the top - high strangeness - alien and reptilian related - alien abduction first person report - I give you ----> The Eckhart Encounters - Further Evidence - You may want seconds of this Barf Stew.

And, in the same manner that reality teases - another steamy video for the males - Barf Stew - Entertains. Bookmark Today.

If you are new to Barf Stew - here's a great place to catch up from

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