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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Totally Over The Top UFO Video

Caution, the above video is from the same folks who TODAY declare "President Barack Obama to admit Knowledge of ETs this year" - "All News Web has been informed that on 14 March of this year a meeting took place involving the US President, Barack Obama, to discuss the possibility of admitting the reality of UFO visitation to Earth and informing the people of Earth that major governments of the world can confirm that we are not alone in the universe and contact with at least three, but up to sixty separate races has taken place. The meeting is believed to have taken place somewhere in a top secret military installation in the US: probably underground. It is believed that Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, along with former Canadian Defence Minister and UFO truth advocate, Paul Hellyer, were present: arguing the case for UFO disclosure. Also present were: Simon P. Worden of NASA's Ames research division, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, and a Vatican representative. Two representatives from China and Russia also took part in the meeting as observers. A link up and communication with the three races visiting earth most frequently occurred during the meeting and it is rumoured that Edgar Mitchell passed out and was revived during the event by medical staff. The races contacted are believed to have included one group from Orion, one from Andromeda Galaxy and one from our galaxy, The Milky Way. Read more here. Now, I love fun stories as much as the next guy - really. But the above is priceless - I mean, Edgar Mitchell PASSED OUT? Pleaseeeee. What from shock? Oh, and a little tidbit - Orion is a multitude of stars IN the Milky Way (and are varying light years away from each other having nothing to do with each other - indeed, as most Barf Stew Readers probably know, The Andromeda Galaxy (the only one visible with the naked eye) IS one of the `stars' in the Orion `Sword'. Isn't it hilarious that only ONE race of all the other BILLIONS of stars that we can't see of the Milky Way was invited? I mean, get a better writer - this is nothing but the EXACT Barf Stew as last year.

Do you think this might be helpful to the authors of the above schlock? A Child's Introduction to the Night Sky: The Story of the Stars, Planets, and Constellations--and How You Can Find Them in the Sky


  1. The video is computer animation. Easily identifiable. As for the meeting, why the HELL would Bill Gates be invited??? He has NO global political control of anything. Neither does Mitchell. Their presence would be superfluous. As much as I would LOVE to see total disclosure in this manner, I have to highly doubt it. Too many people are still in power that have been covering for too long. There would be repercussions to those who ruined others lives, while covering up.

  2. Cohen is a total joke and an embarrassment to us. He's a circus act and his antics hurt our trek, not help them. The only people that fall for his crap are kids that don't know better - YET.

    Cohen makes me absolutely sick. He's never posted one single article yet that wasn't a con of some kind.

  3. Since when is the M31 (Andromeda) in the sword of Orion?? Are you thinking of the Orion Nebula? Perhaps you better check your own facts before spouting off.

  4. For all we know, Barf, it's true!

    Part of the fun with this sort of stuff's riding its advocates 'asses', but let's hypothesize this whole DISCLOSURE business is actually true.

    This's where things REALLY start to get interesting to me. there's Obama holding his world press conference, "Ye', there ARE', they're here, ye'...blah, blah, blah!"

    But how d'we know a word of what he's saying's true? How d'we know this isn't just some scam to hive off another X amount of billions or even trillions?

    "Okay," says Obama, "We figured that'd be an bring on Glaxon from planet Spuggtag!"

    But 'Glaxon' looks so human and breathes air - what're the chances of that? How d'we know he ain't some human actor?

    "Okay...these guys, the technology they have to change their's allowed them to move among us undetected, to observe..."

    How d'we know you're not one?

    "Good point...bring on O-a-ah from Cornflakius 19."

    He's hideous an' looks nothing like us but why's he hiding the rest of his body in a space suit?

    "Because our atmospheric pressure, our atmospheric gases'd kill him..."

    How d'we know that?

    "D'you want him to take it off and melt into a puddle and die...?"

    Er, ye'!


    Seems highly unlikely he'd effectively commit suicide just to prove a point...I thought these guys were supposed to be intelligent?

    "O-a-ah was sort o' like a Cosmic Jehovah's Witness - that's just their way..."

    But how'd we know the pool of him bubbling and sizzling away wasn't just a Hollywood special effect?

    "That's why we gave out all those earlier unknown DNA samples to be tested..."

    But half the testers said they're so alien they MUST be real, while the other said they're so alien they MUST be fake.

    "You know wha'..."

    And is it true half the aliens believe in a God, but half of them don't? And is it also true half of them say Global Warming's real, but the other half say that's a misunderstanding?


    And how d'we know it ain't them causing it? How d'we know...?

    My point being, people have this pretty picture 'disclosure' will sort everything out, that believers'll be vindicated, unbelievers'll be converted, etc., etc., but it might even reverse peoples' positions.

    I can remember being an admirer of Paul McCartney, in part because he attended the Liverpool Institute a decade or so before me an' my brother did - but I distinctly went off him for a while when I discovered he was politically a Tory and footballwise an Evertonian.

    If disclosure ever occurs I foresee a whole new world of pain arising.


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