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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bruce Duensing - Actualizing `Tin Foil' Thinking Intentionalities

Hello, welcome to Barf Stew - thanks for visiting today. Indeed, it's a lucky day for you, because today I am featuring perhaps the very best internet blogger concerning `the event horizon' types of topics - most notably his speculations on paranormal events, but, really - as you would expect with the event horizon - ALL EVENTS.

Here's what I've said about Bruce's blog (over a year ago) on my Squidoo site: "Bruce Duensing's frequently updated blog on the event horizon -- cites Watts, Gurdijeff and other classics as influences. Known as the man who writes respectable Tin Foil. Always mindblowing and at the end of reality." -

Now, amusingly, just before I came to write this article on Bruce - I checked my dashboard for this blog and saw that I had a comment - it was from Bruce (I think the first time he has commented on this blog besides once before) who said "Only your equally twisted mind could have come up with a title like Barf Stew forcing us to say we love barf stew."

Now, one would think in normal society that `internet bloggers/friends' calling each other `Tin Foil' or `twisted mind' - might have a negative connotation (and I'm sure it does to some `normal' minded folks) - but, in Bruce's and my mind - it is a GREAT compliment - (even if it is only us patting each others on the back with no one knowing it). Why? Because Bruce and I both love to think about a very narrow segment of reality - the sliver of `now actualization'.

Bruce's mind approaches it with a hugely dense wall of words bringing the reader right into the fray of reality expressing itself - often mixing in correct armchair physics concepts to a stew of psychological concepts at the far end of human knowability - forming concepts that may express actual new thoughts about the reality structure. Literally, beconning the unknown to interact with his reality positionings.

Now, the actual motivation to talk about Bruce today was the fact that his most recent blog postings have been piling up in my Barf Stew bin - and rather than dribble them out with just a few words each - I wanted to present them all in one place; with actual comments and highlights.

So, I hope you have your very best, clearest, most non-ordinary mindset ready to absorb what you are about to read - and - if by some chance you are NOT aware of Bruce's word talents - strap on your seatbelt for your own safety.

First up - is a post titled `A Lost Expedition and The Third State of These Matters' and subtitled `Driving Against Traffic On The Expressway to Self Referential Logics or Paranormal Existentialism' - - Interestingly, Bruce does this post for Erik Stitt of The Blogsquatcher - who recently had some very intense personal revelations concerning the Bigfoot Phenomena - ultimately deciding just that - it was a phenomena instead of a real creature.

But, back to Bruce's sub-title - I mean, grab onto your seats  folks - `self-referential logics' - `paranormal existentialism' - who else would even attempt such a positioning! - Now, how about THIS for a first sentence of Bruce's post: "Vectoring Human Entanglement"

"We have the local, that is to say this demarcation is the storage and reciprocal transference of energy in what we term the material which has a certain geometry due to it's location, fed in our neighborhood by a star."

Now, I'm ONLY going to respond to Bruce's first statement of each of his posts - but - can you believe so much info in so few words - expressing SO much? -- Okay, first, perhaps only a twisted mind like mine enjoys such verbage - but - as a blogger who loves Phenomenology - I will respond in the manner that my mind pictures Bruce's word images.

Here goes my comment - All things (spaces) represent the `energy & geometry' of their instantaneous locations - presenting themselves as the `local' for human consumption (and beyond) - fed by the `life' for ANY area of `life' - the nearest Star.

Now, just imagine where Bruce takes you on the expressway of this first post. (BTW, the FIRST comment in the comment section mentions HUSSERL my favorite read.) ----------- Ready for post two? I thought so.

Titled - `The Superimposition of States of Energy As Information' - and sub-titled - `Homeostasis, Mutation, and A Physics of Information or, alternatively, The Bones Of Energy' - -- with a first statement title of `Systems Psychology and Theory In The Paranormal'

"In two posts I wrote of the living system theory and it's semi-closed nature in relation to self organization toward mutation, adaptation and it's vectoring a steady state in relation to those and other variables posed against the potential within the overall system. Energy in living systems is indeed coded information, whether it is a rock, a bird or the vegetarian pizza you ate."

My twisted mind response to the above: Bruce's statement reminds me of Julian Barbour's statements about `spaces' (Julian does not believe `time' exists - just spaces and actualization) and John Joe McFadden's comments about quantum information organizing beneath the event horizon - and, to me, combining BOTH of those thinkers - in Bruce's statement - says mucho.

Next Duensing post -------> `Part One: The "Non Human" And The Human Among Us' - sub-titled - `The Naturalism of The Paranormal' - and, Bruce's first statement: "Many have been puzzled when I refer to the naturalism of the paranormal, in that there is a more global point of view of a complex system, beyind whether it be this or that aspect of a differentiated process, all roads may indeed lead to Rome, regardless of whether or not we have tricked ourselves into thinking a map of the known world exists or does not exist. This is a story about soil and of seeds planted in the firmament. It is also a story of a gestation arising from the things that go bump in the night, the creature under your bed, the phantom in your closet."

I have a feeling that Bruce, like myself, thinks that `normal' human consciousness `looks' at a `common consensus' that we have all agreed upon. BUT, that the actualization process itself - also includes the `non-consensus' that may or may not be at the threshold of human perception potential. --- I'll leave it at that.

Finally, I hope that Bruce will find this post to be worthy of his fine world of word and concept play which is enjoyed by many individuals of a wo-wo orientation. Like myself. Like Barf Stew.

Lastly, MAKE SURE to visit Bruce's site and bookmark it for the mind stimulation it will bring to you. Perhaps I can convince Bruce to an internet exchange of ideas online for others to read - if so - I'll put the interview on my blog called The Heavy Stuff.

Ouspensky Went Looking For A Miracle - And Found Gurdijeff.

 - at a fantastic moment in this book Ouspensky says "and then the miracle began".


  1. I keep forgetting to bookmark this page and so you force me to search "barf stew". Thanks for the comment, inasmuch the same surrealistic streak in me wanted to plagiarize this concept, and begin a blog entitled "rotten fish heads". As a counter compliment, I always have wondered what this madman will think of next? We must keep provoking that 500 pound elephant in the room, as a practical matter because we always seemingly end up cleaning up toxic waste, as a ritual. You throw a mean curve yourself.
    Best Wishes from a trainee in the art of Origami tinfoil decorations.

  2. Thanks Bruce.

    I wanted to let Barf Stew readers know that in the future there will most likely be two `conversations' between Bruce and myself - including the promised one on The Heavy Stuff.



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