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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The New Urban Caveman Lifestyle

No, this isn't one of those `urban explorers type of stories about going underground in the big city (but, those are cool stories too) - this is about REALLY adopting some pre-agriculture eating styles that certainly could be categorized as `caveman'. How are they caveman like you ask?

Well, according to the NY Times article "involves eating large quantities of meat and then fasting between meals to approximate the lean times that his distant ancestors faced between hunts. Vegetables and fruit are fine, but he avoids foods like bread that were unavailable before the invention of agriculture. - Believers in the lifestyle also believed caveman could do physical events way beyond modern man and that the “diet of our remote ancestors may be a reference standard for modern human nutrition.”  - Now, I don't doubt for a minute that all of this could indeed be true - even if it sounds like Barf. Nevertheless - The New Caveman Lifestyle rises to Today's Barf Stew Tag. More details too at the link
More Caveman Stuff

Here I provide onehelluva good Rock and Roll blog (especially the early early days) with a blogroll you will never get thru if you are indeed or were - a Rock and Roll fan - All Stew.Music fans will like this too -
Find 25 million rare CDs and out-of-print LPs at MusicStack

And, you may not believe it - but to the wo-wo crowd (of which I am one) the comment Stephen Hawking made the other day about reaching out to aliens was Big News - many reactions - including this A Response to Stephen Hawking's Alien Statement - Worthy Barf, with Stew.

How's this for Barf? Technology tracks eye movement and steers car where driver's looking - I mean, beware pretty girls walking down the street -

And, speaking of good looking women - 45 Sexy Demotivational Posters » - because, Barf Stew Entertains.

And, leave it to Forgetomori to have ideas to redesign the Oujia Board for our modern age. Stewable of course.

And, the TOP High Strangeness tale of the day - from Lon of course - called - The Nain Rouge: Harbinger of Tragedy - "In 1976, two employees of Detroit Edison (the local utility company) are enjoying lunch in their truck. They spot a small child climbing a utility pole, and run from their vehicle shouting for him to come down before he falls to his death. As they reach the pole, the child looks down at them from the top, and leaps to the ground a few feet from where they stand. He runs off under gathering clouds, and leaves the two men in shock.Realizing this was no child, they later described the creature as small in stature and covered in short red fur. He had red eyes and rotted teeth" - turns out, this entity has been seen multiple times in the Detroit area - read about more historic sightings here - Stew that will raise the hair on your neck.

Finally, have you got 6 seconds?

I do links like this daily at -- thanks for visiting.

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