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Thursday, April 8, 2010

First Animals to Live Without Oxygen Discovered

Seems that life fits into any niche available - even ones without oxygen. As the article says - these `animals' represent what life on Earth was like until the rise in oxygen levels in the oceans about 550 million years ago. Also, while not mentioned in the article - doesn't this finding increase the likelihood of finding `life' in many more places in our universe? I'd think so. You will enjoy this short science read. Stewable.

Oh, before you throw out your `old fashioned' Scrabble game - thinking that the new game was going to replace it -- think again. The real rap is what you heard about NOUNS being allowed was not `all of the story' - find that out here. Barf Stew.

Former MUFON man has lots to say about the whole UFO scene and it isn't pretty - Goodbye Ufology, Hello Truth - I expect this is a bit of Barf and mucho Stew.

Here's another research study you can choose to believe or discard ---- Study Sheds Light on What Makes People Shy - B.S.

Sexy Virtual Girl? - Yep.

Have you ever heard the idea that eating lots of vegetables keeps cancer away? Bunch of Barf. Five-a-day has little impact on cancer, study finds -

Let's finish with a strange animation video with 2.9 million YouTube hits: Barfy.

If you want to read more about Life Without Oxygen - here's some resources.
Respiratory Physiology of Vertebrates: Life With and Without Oxygen

Metazoan Life without Oxygen

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