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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Live Forever? By 2040, Upload Your Brain...

Here is that seldom printed speculative science stuff about nano technology. Here is the visionary uses one scientist sees possible in only a few decades - and it's overall - as amazing as the headline (like e-mailing toast). If you know this guy, the name is Ray Kurzweil Yes, the coming reality is so over the top it is today's Barf Stew Tag.

Here's another over the top post from The Professor. In this post he sites available evidence that exists about certain types of close up UFO encounters -- AND - he discovers two important things about the cited size of the craft and the size of the `aliens' in the crafts.  - Great Stew.

Haing an existential crisis? Here's your website. --- Barfy.

Super cool nature picture -

And here is the book spoke of in the lead story -- become the `expert' in your social group about the future - the nano future.
 Thanks for visiting today - have you visited MY SIDEBAR--->

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