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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mortgage Defaults May Be Driving Consumer Spending

OMG. If this is true - you can expect this to be one of the only times you hear the MSM say it. How over the top is this? Totally deserving of today's Barf Stew Tag.

Don't know if I've done an AIDS post before - but here is some impressive research; followed - by an amazing comment that is really incredible. This is a Stewable read for the Barfers. Like you. -- Heavy duty blog too - look around.

This would have been top post today for the Barf Stew Tag had it not been for the top business story above. Titled - Is that paradise beckoning, or just CO2 in your blood? - Why? The sample was 11 that is being projected for these statements.

And, here's Micah Hanks, one of the internets better thinkers and writers, take on the same finding about CO2 and NDE - - again, I want to point out the sample size 11. B.S.

And, talk about taking an April Fools Joke too far -- "Man from the Future" Arrested At CERN's LHC Escaped Custody -True Identity Revealed" - B.S.

How about some sexy virtual girls in a lineup?

Hey, let's keep it unbelievable in the YouTube category - Like the MultiUniverse that includes a Laurence Welk - AS A HIPPIE.

More on NDE's - First person story.

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